The Epifora database provides a multi-sectorial, and cross-disciplinary publicly accessible repository of individuals with an interest in strengthening the use of environmental epidemiology in human health risk assessment and public health decision making.
It aims to facilitate communication and collaboration among professionals, as well as trainees, to create a strong community of practice. The database can help you:
If you have expertise that can contribute to increasing the use of environmental epidemiology in human health risk assessment and decision making, please register in our database.
This database includes a listing of individuals who have identified themselves as experts or as having an interest in the areas of epidemiology, risk assessment, exposure science, statistics, toxicology, from various sectors. If you wish to be included in this database, you may do so by selecting the appropriate link on the page. HESI’s Environmental Epidemiology Committee team will review and approve all submissions. We highly recommend that users of the database confirm that the experts and other members they contact meet their desired skill requirement.